The fftpack module

Fourier transform of double complex periodic sequences



Initializes the array wsave which is used in both zfftf and zfftb.
The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in wsave.




Pure subroutine.


call zffti(n, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the sequence to be transformed.

wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(out).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 4*n+15. The same work array can be used for both zfftf and zfftb as long as n remains unchanged. Different wsave arrays are required for different values of n.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of zfftf or zfftb.


program demo_zffti
    use fftpack, only: zffti
    complex(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    real(kind=8) :: w(31)
    call zffti(4,w)
end program demo_zffti



Computes the forward complex discrete fourier transform (the fourier analysis).
Equivalently, zfftf computes the fourier coefficients of a complex periodic sequence. The transform is defined below at output parameter c.

The transform is not normalized. To obtain a normalized transform the output must be divided by n. Otherwise a call of zfftf followed by a call of zfftb will multiply the sequence by n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine zfftf must be initialized by calling subroutine zffti(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call zfftf(n, c, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the complex sequence c. The method is more efficient when n is the product of small primes.

c: Shall be a complex and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(inout).
A complex array of length n which contains the sequence.

for j=1,...,n

           c(j)=the sum from k=1,...,n of


                       where i=sqrt(-1)

wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in).
A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4n+15 in the program that calls zfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine zffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n.
This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by zfftf and zfftb.
Contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of subroutine zfftf or zfftb.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of zfftf or zfftb.


program demo_zfftf
    use fftpack, only: zffti, zfftf
    complex(kind=8) :: x(4)
    real(kind=8) :: w(31)
    x = [real(kind=8) :: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    call zffti(4,w)
    call zfftf(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [(10.0,0.0), (-2.0,2.0), (-2.0,0.0), (-2.0,-2.0)].
end program demo_zfftf



Unnormalized inverse of zfftf.

Computes the backward complex discrete fourier transform (the fourier synthesis). Equivalently, zfftb computes a complex periodic sequence from its fourier coefficients. The transform is defined below at output parameter c.

The transform is not normalized. to obtain a normalized transform the output must be divided by n. Otherwise a call of zfftf followed by a call of zfftb will multiply the sequence by n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine zfftf must be initialized by calling subroutine zffti(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call zfftb(n, c, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the complex sequence c. The method is more efficient when n is the product of small primes.

c: Shall be a complex array. This argument is intent(inout).
A complex array of length n which contains the sequence.

for j=1,...,n

           c(j)=the sum from k=1,...,n of


                       where i=sqrt(-1)

wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in).
A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4n+15 in the program that calls zfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine zffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by zfftf and zfftb.
Contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of subroutine zfftf or zfftb.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of zfftf or zfftb.


program demo_zfftb
    use fftpack, only: zffti, zfftf, zfftb
    complex(kind=8) :: x(4)
    real(kind=8) :: w(31)
    x = [real(kind=8) :: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    call zffti(4,w)
    call zfftf(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [(10.0,0.0), (-2.0,2.0), (-2.0,0.0), (-2.0,-2.0)].
    call zfftb(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [(4.0,0.0), (8.0,0.0), (12.0,0.0), (16.0,0.0)].
end program demo_zfftb



Computes the forward complex discrete fourier transform (the fourier analysis).




Pure function.


result = fft(x [, n])


x: Shall be a complex and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a complex and rank-1 array, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of x.


Within numerical accuracy, x == ifft(fft(x))/size(x).


program demo_fft
    use fftpack, only: fft
    complex(kind=8) :: x(4)
    x = [real(kind=8) :: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, fft(x)     !! [(10.0,0.0), (-2.0,2.0), (-2.0,0.0), (-2.0,-2.0)].
    print *, fft(x,3)   !! [(6.0,0.0), (-1.5,0.86), (-1.5,0.86)].
    print *, fft(x,5)   !! [(10.0,0.0), (-4.0,1.3), (1.5,-2.1), (1.5,2.1), (-4.0,1.3)].
end program demo_fft



Unnormalized inverse of fft.




Pure function.


result = ifft(x [, n])


x: Shall be a complex and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a complex and rank-1 array, the unnormalized inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of x.


program demo_ifft
    use fftpack, only: fft, ifft
    complex(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, ifft(fft(x))/4.0   !! [(1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0), (3.0,0.0), (4.0,0.0)]
    print *, ifft(fft(x), 3)    !! [(6.0,2.0), (10.3,-1.0), (13.73,-1.0)]
end program demo_ifft

Fourier transform of double real periodic sequences



Initializes the array wsave which is used in both dfftf and dfftb.
The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in wsave.




Pure subroutine.


call dffti(n, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the sequence to be transformed.

wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(out).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 2*n+15. The same work array can be used for both dfftf and dfftb as long as n remains unchanged. Different wsave arrays are required for different values of n.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dfftf or dfftb.


program demo_dffti
    use fftpack, only: dffti
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    real(kind=8) :: w(23)
    call dffti(4,w)
end program demo_dffti



Computes the fourier coefficients of a real perodic sequence (fourier analysis). The transform is defined below at output parameter r.

The transform is not normalized. To obtain a normalized transform the output must be divided by n. Otherwise a call of dfftf followed by a call of dfftb will multiply the sequence by n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine dfftf must be initialized by calling subroutine dffti(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call dfftf(n, r, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the real sequence r. The method is more efficient when n is the product of small primes. n may change so long as different work arrays are provided.

r: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(inout).
A real array of length n which contains the sequence.

r(1) = the sum from i=1 to i=n of r(i)

if n is even set l =n/2   , if n is odd set l = (n+1)/2

    then for k = 2,...,l

        r(2*k-2) = the sum from i = 1 to i = n of


        r(2*k-1) = the sum from i = 1 to i = n of


if n is even

        r(n) = the sum from i = 1 to i = n of


wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in).
A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4n+15 in the program that calls dfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n.
This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by dfftf and dfftb.
Contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of subroutine dfftf or dfftb.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dfftf or dfftb.


program demo_dfftf
    use fftpack, only: dffti, dfftf
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(23)
    call dffti(4,w)
    call dfftf(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [10.0, -2.0, 2.0, -2.0].
end program demo_dfftf



Unnormalized inverse of dfftf.

Computes the backward real discrete fourier transform (the fourier synthesis). Equivalently, dfftb computes a real periodic sequence from its fourier coefficients. The transform is defined below at output parameter c.

The transform is not normalized. To obtain a normalized transform the output must be divided by n. Otherwise a call of dfftf followed by a call of dfftb will multiply the sequence by n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine dfftf must be initialized by calling subroutine dffti(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call dfftb(n, r, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the real sequence r. The method is more efficient when n is the product of small primes.

r: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(inout).
A real array of length n which contains the sequence.

for n even and for i = 1,...,n

        r(i) = r(1)+(-1)**(i-1)*r(n)

            plus the sum from k=2 to k=n/2 of



for n odd and for i = 1,...,n

        r(i) = r(1) plus the sum from k=2 to k=(n+1)/2 of



wsave: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in).
A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 2n+15 in the program that calls dfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by dfftf and dfftb.
Contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of subroutine dfftf or dfftb.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dfftf or dfftb.


program demo_dfftb
    use fftpack, only: dffti, dfftf, dfftb
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(31)
    call dffti(4,w)
    call dfftf(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [10.0, -2.0, 2.0, -2.0].
    call dfftb(4,x,w)   !! `x` returns [4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0], which is not normalized.
end program demo_dfftb



Discrete Fourier transform of a real sequence.




Pure function.


result = rfft(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
The data to transform.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of x.


Within numerical accuracy, y == rfft(irfft(y))/size(y).


program demo_rfft
    use fftpack, only: rfft
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, rfft(x,3)      !! [6.0, -1.5, 0.87].
    print *, rfft(x)        !! [10.0, -2.0, 2.0, -2.0].
    print *, rfft(x,5)      !! [10.0, -4.0, -1.3, 1.5, -2.1].
end program demo_rfft



Unnormalized inverse of rfft.




Pure function.


result = irfft(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in). Transformed data to invert.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the unnormalized inverse discrete Fourier transform.


program demo_irfft
    use fftpack, only: rfft, irfft
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, irfft(rfft(x))/4.0   !! [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, irfft(rfft(x), 3)    !! [6.0, 8.53, 15.46]
end program demo_irfft

Simplified fourier transform of double real periodic sequences



Initializes the array wsave which is used in both dzfftf and dzfftb. The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in wsave.




Prue function.


call dzffti(n, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the sequence to be transformed.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(out).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15. The same work array can be used for both dzfftf and dzfftb as long as n remains unchanged. Different wsave arrays are required for different values of n.


The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dzfftf or dzfftb.


program demo_dzffti
    use fftpack, only: dzffti
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    call dzffti(4, w)   !! Initializes the array `w` which is used in both `dzfftf` and `dzfftb`. 
end program demo_dzffti



Computes the fourier coefficients of a real perodic sequence (fourier analysis). The transform is defined below at output parameters azero, a and b. dzfftf is a simplified but slower version of dfftf.




Pure subroutine.


call dzfftf(n, r, azero, a, b, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the array r to be transformed.
The method is most efficient when n is the product of small primes.

r: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
A real array of length n which contains the sequence to be transformed. r is not destroyed.

azero: Shall be a real scalar. This argument is intent(out).
The sum from i=1 to i=n of r(i)/n.

a, b: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(out).

for n even b(n/2)=0. and a(n/2) is the sum from i=1 to i=n of (-1)**(i-1)*r(i)/n

for n even define kmax=n/2-1
for n odd  define kmax=(n-1)/2

then for  k=1,...,kmax

        a(k) equals the sum from i=1 to i=n of


        b(k) equals the sum from i=1 to i=n of


wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in). A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15. In the program that calls dzfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dzffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by dzfftf and dzfftb.


program demo_dzfftf
    use fftpack, only: dzffti, dzfftf
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    real(kind=8) :: azero, a(4/2), b(4/2)
    call dzffti(4, w)
    call dzfftf(4, x, azero, a, b, w)   !! `azero`: 2.5; `a`: [-1.0, -0.5]; `b`: [-1.0, -0.0]
end program demo_dzfftf



Computes a real perodic sequence from its fourier coefficients (fourier synthesis). The transform is defined below at output parameter r. dzfftb is a simplified but slower version of dfftb.




Pure subroutine.


call dzfftb(n, r, azero, a, b, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the output array r.
The method is most efficient when n is the product of small primes.

r: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(out).

if n is even define kmax=n/2
if n is odd  define kmax=(n-1)/2

then for i=1,...,n

        r(i)=azero plus the sum from k=1 to k=kmax of


Complex notation:

for j=1,...,n

r(j) equals the sum from k=-kmax to k=kmax of



        c(k) = .5*cmplx(a(k),-b(k))   for k=1,...,kmax

        c(-k) = conjg(c(k))

        c(0) = azero

            and i=sqrt(-1)

Amplitude - phase notation:

for i=1,...,n

r(i) equals azero plus the sum from k=1 to k=kmax of



        alpha(k) = sqrt(a(k)*a(k)+b(k)*b(k))



azero: Shall be a real scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The constant fourier coefficient.

a, b: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
Arrays which contain the remaining fourier coefficients these arrays are not destroyed. The length of these arrays depends on whether n is even or odd.

if n is even n/2    locations are required
if n is odd (n-1)/2 locations are required

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in). A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15. In the program that calls dzfftf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dzffti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. The same wsave array can be used by dzfftf and dzfftb.


program demo_dzfftb
    use fftpack, only: dzffti, dzfftf, dzfftb
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    real(kind=8) :: azero, a(4/2), b(4/2)
    call dzffti(4, w)
    call dzfftf(4, x, azero, a, b, w)   !! `azero`: 2.5; `a`: [-1.0, -0.5]; `b`: [-1.0, -0.0]
    x = 0.0
    call dzfftb(4, x, azero, a, b, w)   !! `x`: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
end program demo_dzfftb

Cosine transform with odd wave numbers



Initializes the array wsave which is used in both dcosqf and dcosqb. The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in wsave.




Pure subroutine.


call dcosqi(n, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the array to be transformed. The method is most efficient when n is a product of small primes.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(out).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15. The same work array can be used for both dcosqf and dcosqb as long as n remains unchanged. Different wsave arrays are required for different values of n. The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dcosqf or dcosqb.


program demo_dcosqi
    use fftpack, only: dcosqi
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    call dcosqi(4, w)   !! Initializes the array `w` which is used in both `dcosqf` and `dcosqb`. 
end program demo_dcosqi



Computes the fast fourier transform of quarter wave data. That is, dcosqf computes the coefficients in a cosine series representation with only odd wave numbers. The transform is defined below at output parameter x.

dcosqf is the unnormalized inverse of dcosqb since a call of dcosqf followed by a call of dcosqb will multiply the input sequence x by 4*n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine dcosqf must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosqi(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call dcosqf(n, x, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the array x to be transformed. The method is most efficient when n is a product of small primes.

x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(inout).
An array which contains the sequence to be transformed.

for i=1,...,n

        x(i) = x(1) plus the sum from k=2 to k=n of


        a call of dcosqf followed by a call of
        cosqb will multiply the sequence x by 4*n.
        therefore dcosqb is the unnormalized inverse
        of dcosqf.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15 in the program that calls dcosqf. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosqi(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first.


wsave contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of dcosqf or dcosqb.


program demo_dcosqf
    use fftpack, only: dcosqi, dcosqf
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    call dcosqi(4, w) 
    call dcosqf(4, x, w)    !! `x`: [12.0, -9.10, 2.62, -1.51]
end program demo_dcosqf



Computes the fast fourier transform of quarter wave data. That is, dcosqb computes a sequence from its representation in terms of a cosine series with odd wave numbers. The transform is defined below at output parameter x.

dcosqb is the unnormalized inverse of dcosqf since a call of dcosqb followed by a call of dcosqf will multiply the input sequence x by 4*n.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine dcosqb must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosqi(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call dcosqf(n, x, wsave)


n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the array x to be transformed. The method is most efficient when n is a product of small primes.

x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(inout).
An array which contains the sequence to be transformed.

for i=1,...,n

        x(i)= the sum from k=1 to k=n of


        a call of dcosqb followed by a call of
        dcosqf will multiply the sequence x by 4*n.
        therefore dcosqf is the unnormalized inverse
        of dcosqb.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15 in the program that calls dcosqb. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosqi(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first.


wsave contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of dcosqf or dcosqb.


program demo_dcosqb
    use fftpack, only: dcosqi, dcosqf, dcosqb
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [4, 3, 5, 10]
    call dcosqi(4, w) 
    call dcosqf(4, x, w) 
    call dcosqb(4, x, w)    !! `x`: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] * 4 * n, n = 4, which is unnormalized.
end program demo_dcosqb



Forward transform of quarter wave data.




Pure function.


result = qct(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
The data to transform.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the Quarter-Cosine Transform (QCT) of x.


Within numerical accuracy, x == iqct(qct(x))/(4*size(x)).


program demo_qct
    use fftpack, only: qct
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, qct(x,3)      !! [7.4, -5.0, 0.53].
    print *, qct(x)        !! [12.0, -9.10, 2.62, -1.51].
    print *, qct(x,5)      !! [14.4, -6.11, -5.0, 4.4, -2.65].
end program demo_qct



Unnormalized inverse of qct.




Pure function.


result = iqct(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in). Transformed data to invert.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the unnormalized inverse Quarter-Cosine Transform.


program demo_iqct
    use fftpack, only: qct, iqct
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, iqct(qct(x))/(4.0*4.0)         !! [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, iqct(qct(x), 3)/(4.0*3.0)      !! [1.84, 2.71, 5.47]
end program demo_iqct

Cosine transform of a real even sequence



Initializes the array wsave which is used in subroutine dcost. The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and stored in wsave.




Pure subroutine.


call dcosti(n , wsave)


n: Shall be a integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the sequence to be transformed.
The method is most efficient when n-1 is a product of small primes.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(out).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15. Different wsave arrays are required for different values of n. The contents of wsave must not be changed between calls of dcost.


program demo_dcosti
    use fftpack, only: dcosti
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    call dcosti(4, w)   !! Initializes the array `w` which is used in subroutine `dcost`. 
end program demo_dcosti



Computes the discrete fourier cosine transform of an even sequence x(i). The transform is defined below at output parameter x.

dcost is the unnormalized inverse of itself since a call of dcost followed by another call of dcost will multiply the input sequence x by 2*(n-1). The transform is defined below at output parameter x.

The array wsave which is used by subroutine dcost must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosti(n,wsave).




Pure subroutine.


call dcost(n, x, wsave)


n: Shall be a integer scalar. This argument is intent(in).
The length of the sequence x. n must be greater than 1. The method is most efficient when n-1 is a product of small primes.

x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(inout). An array which contains the sequence to be transformed.

for i=1,...,n

    x(i) = x(1)+(-1)**(i-1)*x(n)

        + the sum from k=2 to k=n-1


        a call of dcost followed by another call of
        dcost will multiply the sequence x by 2*(n-1)
        hence dcost is the unnormalized inverse
        of itself.

wsave: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
A work array which must be dimensioned at least 3*n+15 in the program that calls dcost. The wsave array must be initialized by calling subroutine dcosti(n,wsave) and a different wsave array must be used for each different value of n. This initialization does not have to be repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first. Contains initialization calculations which must not be destroyed between calls of dcost.


program demo_dcost
    use fftpack, only: dcosti, dcost
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    real(kind=8) :: w(3*4 + 15)
    call dcosti(4, w)
    call dcost(4, x, w)     !! Computes the discrete fourier cosine (forward) transform of an even sequence, `x`(unnormalized): [15.0, -4.0, 0.0, -1.0]
    call dcost(4, x, w)     !! Computes the discrete fourier cosine (backward) transform of an even sequence, `x`(unnormalized): [6.0, 12.0, 18.0, 24.0]
end program demo_dcost



Discrete fourier cosine (forward) transform of an even sequence.




Pure function.


result = dct(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).
The data to transform.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the Discrete-Cosine Transform (DCT) of x.


Within numerical accuracy, y == dct(idct(y))/2*(size(y) - 1).


program demo_dct
    use fftpack, only: dct
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, dct(x,3)      !! [8.0, -2.0, 0.0].
    print *, dct(x)        !! [15.0, -4.0, 0.0, -1.0].
    print *, dct(x,5)      !! [19.0, -1.8, -5.0, 3.8, -5.0].
    print *, dct(dct(x))/(2*(4 - 1))   !! (normalized): [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
end program demo_dct



Unnormalized inverse of dct. In fact, idct and dct have the same effect, idct = dct.




Pure function.


result = idct(x [, n])


x: Shall be a real array. This argument is intent(in). Transformed data to invert.

n: Shall be an integer scalar. This argument is intent(in) and optional.
Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If n is not specified (the default) then n = size(x). If n <= size(x), x is truncated, if n > size(x), x is zero-padded.

Return value

Returns a real and rank-1 array, the inverse Discrete-Cosine Transform (iDCT) of x.


program demo_idct
    use fftpack, only: dct, idct
    real(kind=8) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    print *, idct(dct(x))/(2*(4-1))   !! (normalized):   [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, idct(idct(x))/(2*(4-1))  !! (normalized):   [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, idct(dct(x), 3)          !! (unnormalized): [7.0, 15.0, 23.0]
end program demo_idct

Utility functions



Rearranges the Fourier transform by moving the zero-frequency component to the center of the array.




Pure function.


result = fftshift(x)


x: Shall be a complex/real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).

Return value

Returns the complex/real and rank-1 Fourier transform by moving the zero-frequency component to the center of the array.


program demo_fftshift
    use fftpack, only: fftshift
    complex(kind=8) :: c(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    real(kind=8) :: x(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    print *, fftshift(c(1:4))   !! [(3.0,0.0), (4.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0)]
    print *, fftshift(c)        !! [(4.0,0.0), (5.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0), (3.0,0.0)]
    print *, fftshift(x(1:4))   !! [3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0]
    print *, fftshift(x)        !! [4.0, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
end program demo_fftshift



Rearranges the Fourier transform with zero frequency shifting back to the original transform output. In other words, ifftshift is the result of undoing fftshift.




Pure function.


result = ifftshift(x)


x: Shall be a complex/real and rank-1 array. This argument is intent(in).

Return value

Returns the complex/real and rank-1 Fourier transform with zero frequency shifting back to the original transform output.


program demo_ifftshift
    use fftpack, only: fftshift, ifftshift
    complex(kind=8) :: c(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    real(kind=8) :: x(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    print *, ifftshift(fftshift(c(1:4)))   !! [(1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0), (3.0,0.0), (4.0,0.0)]
    print *, ifftshift(fftshift(c) )       !! [(1.0,0.0), (2.0,0.0), (3.0,0.0), (4.0,0.0), (5.0,0.0)]
    print *, ifftshift(fftshift(x(1:4)))   !! [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
    print *, ifftshift(fftshift(x))        !! [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
end program demo_ifftshift