rkf45 Subroutine

public subroutine rkf45(f, neqn, y, t, tout, relerr, abserr, iflag, work, iwork)

rkf45 is primarily designed to solve non-stiff and mildly stiff differential equations when derivative evaluations are inexpensive. rkf45 should generally not be used when the user is demanding high accuracy. 在计算量不大的计算中,rkf45主要用于求解非刚性和轻微刚性的常微分方程。


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
procedure(fcn) :: f
integer, intent(in) :: neqn
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: y(neqn)
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: t
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: tout
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: relerr
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: abserr
integer, intent(inout) :: iflag
real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: work(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: iwork(5)


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine rkf45(f, neqn, y, t, tout, relerr, abserr, iflag, work, iwork)

        !     fehlberg fourth-fifth order runge-kutta method

        !     written by h.a.watts and l.f.shampine
        !                   sandia laboratories
        !                  albuquerque,new mexico

        ! abstract

        !    subroutine  rkf45  integrates a system of neqn first order
        !    ordinary differential equations of the form
        !             dy(i)/dt = f(t,y(1),y(2),...,y(neqn))
        !              where the y(i) are given at t .
        !    typically the subroutine is used to integrate from t to tout but it
        !    can be used as a one-step integrator to advance the solution a
        !    single step in the direction of tout.  on return the parameters in
        !    the call list are set for continuing the integration. the user has
        !    only to call rkf45 again (and perhaps define a new value for tout).
        !    actually, rkf45 is an interfacing routine which calls subroutine
        !    rkfs for the solution.  rkfs in turn calls subroutine  fehl which
        !    computes an approximate solution over one step.

        !    rkf45  uses the runge-kutta-fehlberg (4,5)  method described
        !    in the reference
        !    e.fehlberg , low-order classical runge-kutta formulas with stepsize
        !                 control , nasa tr r-315

        !    the performance of rkf45 is illustrated in the reference
        !    l.f.shampine,h.a.watts,s.davenport, solving non-stiff ordinary
        !                 differential equations-the state of the art ,
        !                 sandia laboratories report sand75-0182 ,
        !                 to appear in siam review.

        !    the parameters represent-
        !      f -- subroutine f(t,y,yp) to evaluate derivatives yp(i)=dy(i)/dt
        !      neqn -- number of equations to be integrated
        !      y(*) -- solution vector at t
        !      t -- independent variable
        !      tout -- output point at which solution is desired
        !      relerr,abserr -- relative and absolute error tolerances for local
        !            error test. at each step the code requires that
        !                 abs(local error) .le. relerr*abs(y) + abserr
        !            for each component of the local error and solution vectors
        !      iflag -- indicator for status of integration
        !      work(*) -- array to hold information internal to rkf45 which is
        !            necessary for subsequent calls. must be dimensioned
        !            at least  3+6*neqn
        !      iwork(*) -- integer array used to hold information internal to
        !            rkf45 which is necessary for subsequent calls. must be
        !            dimensioned at least  5

        !  first call to rkf45

        !    the user must provide storage in his calling program for the arrays
        !    in the call list  -      y(neqn) , work(3+6*neqn) , iwork(5)  ,
        !    declare f in an external statement, supply subroutine f(t,y,yp) and
        !    initialize the following parameters-

        !      neqn -- number of equations to be integrated.  (neqn .ge. 1)
        !      y(*) -- vector of initial conditions
        !      t -- starting point of integration , must be a variable
        !      tout -- output point at which solution is desired.
        !            t=tout is allowed on the first call only, in which case
        !            rkf45 returns with iflag=2 if continuation is possible.
        !      relerr,abserr -- relative and absolute local error tolerances
        !            which must be non-negative. relerr must be a variable while
        !            abserr may be a constant. the code should normally not be
        !            used with relative error control smaller than about 1.e-8 .
        !            to avoid limiting precision difficulties the code requires
        !            relerr to be larger than an internally computed relative
        !            error parameter which is machine dependent. in particular,
        !            pure absolute error is not permitted. if a smaller than
        !            allowable value of relerr is attempted, rkf45 increases
        !            relerr appropriately and returns control to the user before
        !            continuing the integration.
        !      iflag -- +1,-1  indicator to initialize the code for each new
        !            problem. normal input is +1. the user should set iflag=-1
        !            only when one-step integrator control is essential. in this
        !            case, rkf45 attempts to advance the solution a single step
        !            in the direction of tout each time it is called. since this
        !            mode of operation results in extra computing overhead, it
        !            should be avoided unless needed.

        !  output from rkf45

        !      y(*) -- solution at t
        !      t -- last point reached in integration.
        !      iflag = 2 -- integration reached tout. indicates successful retur
        !                   and is the normal mode for continuing integration.
        !            =-2 -- a single successful step in the direction of tout
        !                   has been taken. normal mode for continuing
        !                   integration one step at a time.
        !            = 3 -- integration was not completed because relative error
        !                   tolerance was too small. relerr has been increased
        !                   appropriately for continuing.
        !            = 4 -- integration was not completed because more than
        !                   3000 derivative evaluations were needed. this
        !                   is approximately 500 steps.
        !            = 5 -- integration was not completed because solution
        !                   vanished making a pure relative error test
        !                   impossible. must use non-zero abserr to continue.
        !                   using the one-step integration mode for one step
        !                   is a good way to proceed.
        !            = 6 -- integration was not completed because requested
        !                   accuracy could not be achieved using smallest
        !                   allowable stepsize. user must increase the error
        !                   tolerance before continued integration can be
        !                   attempted.
        !            = 7 -- it is likely that rkf45 is inefficient for solving
        !                   this problem. too much output is restricting the
        !                   natural stepsize choice. use the one-step integrator
        !                   mode.
        !            = 8 -- invalid input parameters
        !                   this indicator occurs if any of the following is
        !                   satisfied -   neqn .le. 0
        !                                 t=tout  and  iflag .ne. +1 or -1
        !                                 relerr or abserr .lt. 0.
        !                                 iflag .eq. 0  or  .lt. -2  or  .gt. 8
        !      work(*),iwork(*) -- information which is usually of no interest
        !                   to the user but necessary for subsequent calls.
        !                   work(1),...,work(neqn) contain the first derivatives
        !                   of the solution vector y at t. work(neqn+1) contains
        !                   the stepsize h to be attempted on the next step.
        !                   iwork(1) contains the derivative evaluation counter.

        !  subsequent calls to rkf45

        !    subroutine rkf45 returns with all information needed to continue
        !    the integration. if the integration reached tout, the user need onl
        !    define a new tout and call rkf45 again. in the one-step integrator
        !    mode (iflag=-2) the user must keep in mind that each step taken is
        !    in the direction of the current tout. upon reaching tout (indicated
        !    by changing iflag to 2),the user must then define a new tout and
        !    reset iflag to -2 to continue in the one-step integrator mode.

        !    if the integration was not completed but the user still wants to
        !    continue (iflag=3,4 cases), he just calls rkf45 again. with iflag=3
        !    the relerr parameter has been adjusted appropriately for continuing
        !    the integration. in the case of iflag=4 the function counter will
        !    be reset to 0 and another 3000 function evaluations are allowed.

        !    however,in the case iflag=5, the user must first alter the error
        !    criterion to use a positive value of abserr before integration can
        !    proceed. if he does not,execution is terminated.

        !    also,in the case iflag=6, it is necessary for the user to reset
        !    iflag to 2 (or -2 when the one-step integration mode is being used)
        !    as well as increasing either abserr,relerr or both before the
        !    integration can be continued. if this is not done, execution will
        !    be terminated. the occurrence of iflag=6 indicates a trouble spot
        !    (solution is changing rapidly,singularity may be present) and it
        !    often is inadvisable to continue.

        !    if iflag=7 is encountered, the user should use the one-step
        !    integration mode with the stepsize determined by the code or
        !    consider switching to the adams codes de/step,intrp. if the user
        !    insists upon continuing the integration with rkf45, he must reset
        !    iflag to 2 before calling rkf45 again. otherwise,execution will be
        !    terminated.

        !    if iflag=8 is obtained, integration can not be continued unless
        !    the invalid input parameters are corrected.

        !    it should be noted that the arrays work,iwork contain information
        !    required for subsequent integration. accordingly, work and iwork
        !    should not be altered.

        integer, intent(in) :: neqn
        real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: y(neqn)
        real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: t
        real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: tout
        integer, intent(inout) :: iflag, iwork(5)
        real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: relerr, work(*)
        real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: abserr

        procedure(fcn) :: f

        integer :: k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k1m

        !     compute indices for the splitting of the work array

        k1m = neqn + 1
        k1 = k1m + 1
        k2 = k1 + neqn
        k3 = k2 + neqn
        k4 = k3 + neqn
        k5 = k4 + neqn
        k6 = k5 + neqn

        !     this interfacing routine merely relieves the user of a long
        !     calling list via the splitting apart of two working storage
        !     arrays. if this is not compatible with the users compiler,
        !     he must use rkfs directly.

        call rkfs(f, neqn, y, t, tout, relerr, abserr, iflag, &
                  work(1), work(k1m), work(k1), work(k2), work(k3), work(k4), work(k5), work(k6), work(k6 + 1), &
                  iwork(1), iwork(2), iwork(3), iwork(4), iwork(5))

    end subroutine rkf45